Buggin’ Out! A Cicada Farewell Party

Buggin’ Out! A Cicada Farewell Party


People in New York are notoriously flaky about making plans. None more so than the cicadas—those chirpy flying roach-type things that replied to our city’s collective Facebook invite 17 years ago, promising to burst out of the ground this spring like a crunchy blanket of terror. We expected a buggy apocalypse; we got little more than a few flaccid news headlines. Well, some of us already bought our cicada costumes, so we’re throwing the pests a party anyway. Join us for a farewell bash that will be one part scientific presentations about the insects that stood us up, and one part cicada-inspired comedy by New York’s funniest performers. Plus, stick around after the show for a free screening of 1954′s classic sci-fi film, THEM! An evening of bug-inspired facts, fiction, and comedy.

• Louis N. Sorkin, Board Certified Entomologist (American Museum of Natural History)
• “Cicada Tracker” findings presented by the Producers of Radiolab
• The Found Footage Festival
• Cocoon Central Dance Team (UCB, IFC’s “Get it Out There”)
• Ted Travelstead (Sex: Our Bodies, Our Junk, @trumpetcake)
• Lisa Delarios (The Party Machine, Slow Dance)
• Jon Friedman (The Rejection Show)
• Michael Kupperman (Tales Designed to Thrizzle)
• Emily Flake (New Yorker Cartoonist)
• Hosts Steve Heisler, Steve Jacobs and Margaret Lyons (The Jukebox)

Buggin’ Out! is presented by MWAYS Productions and the skint